tag (social)


social network share link cheatsheet May

Here's some of the common social networks and their associated share link formats. They are all similar, but of course there's no standard . . . that would be too easy.

These are subject to change at any time. Please let me know if I've missed something.

<!-- twitter -->
<a href="http://twitter.com/home?status={{ title }}
{{ request.build_absolute_uri }}" title="Click to share this post on Twitter">twitter</a>
<!-- twitter -->

<!-- facebook -->
<a href="http://www.facebook.com/share.php?u={{ request.build_absolute_uri }}&t=<title of content>">facebook</a>
<!-- facebook -->

<!-- reddit -->
<a href="http://www.reddit.com/submit?url={{ request.build_absolute_uri }}&title={{ title }}">reddit</a>
<!-- reddit -->

<!-- digg -->
<a href="http://digg.com/submit?url={{ request.build_absolute_uri }}&title={{ title }}&bodytext={{ description }}">digg</a>
<!-- digg -->

<!-- delicious -->
<a href="http://delicious.com/save?url={{ request.build_absolute_uri }}&title={{ title }}">delicious</a>
<!-- delicious -->

<!-- myspace -->
<a href="http://www.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=postto&u={{ request.build_absolute_uri }}&t={{ title }}
&c={{ contetent }}">myspace</a>
<!-- myspace -->

<!-- stumbleupon -->
<a href="http://www.stumbleupon.com/submit?url={{ request.build_absolute_uri }}">stumbleupon</a>
<!-- stumbleupon -->

<!-- linkedin -->
<a href="http://www.linkedin.com/shareArticle?mini=true&url={{ request.build_absolute_uri }}&title={{ title }}
&summary={{ description }}&source={{ source }}">linkedin</a>
<!-- linkedin -->

<!-- google bookmarks -->
<a href="http://www.google.com/bookmarks/mark?op=add&bkmk={{ request.build_absolute_uri }}&title={{ title }}">google bookmarks</a>
<!-- google bookmarks -->
