March 2011


getting gmail to recognize the reply-to header Mar

I've been having issues with gmail not recognizing the reply-to email header when the "Reply-To" address was different than the "From" address. I inspected the headers and everything was set properly: something like:

from     ""
reply-to ""
to       ""

In my case I am sending email to the site admin through a contact email form on the site. Because of the SMTP authentication security settings I'm forced to send the email from an authorized address. However, I want to reply to the user's email that they enter in the form. Because of this I can't set the "From" address to the address the user entered.

I noticed that gmail was ignoring the reply-to setting. When I replied to the email it was getting sent back to instead of Strangely, it turns out having the clients reply back to themselves wasn't exactly useful.

While doing some tests it seems that gmail ignores the "Reply-To" header when the "From" is one of the accepted "Send-As" addresses set in gmail. (Thank you Joshua) I don't know why this happens. Maybe it's a bug, maybe it's a security thing gmail is enforcing . . . I really don't have an answer why this happens.

After understanding what was happening to get around this behavior I set up a dummy email address, authorized it with the SMTP server, and forwarded all emails that get sent to the dummy address to the actual address that I want. The fields changed to something like:

from     ""
reply-to ""
to       ""

and then I forwarded all emails sent to to . After having that set up replies to the email correctly get sent to instead of back to

I know that it's not the most elegant setup, but hey, at least it works and the client is happy.
