virtualenv pip cheatsheet
Virtualenv and pip install typically go together so I'm combining their cheatsheets. These are the commands I use the most. This is pasted here for quick reference.
# create new virtual environment virtualenv <name> virtualenv <name> --no-site-packages # activate and deactivate virtualenv source <name>/bin/activate deactivate
# pip install pip install PACKAGE pip install PACKAGE==VERSON pip install PACKAGE>=VERSION pip install PACKAGE --upgrade pip install -r /path/to/requirements.txt # pip uninstall pip uninstall PACKAGE # pip freeze pip freeze > requirements.txt # pip install tar bundle pip install # git pip install -e git:// pip install -e git+ pip install -e git+ssh:// pip install -e git:// pip install -e git:// pip install -e git:// # mercurial pip install -e hg+ pip install -e hg+ pip install -e hg+ssh:// pip install -e hg+ pip install -e hg+ pip install -e hg+ pip install -e hg+ # subversion pip install -e svn+ # bazaar pip install -e bzr+ pip install -e bzr+s pip install -e bzr+ssh:// pip install -e bzr+ pip install -e bzr+ pip install -e bzr+